I dolci della tradizione
Aldo lives in San Cataldo, midland of Sicily , his dad founded the patisserie in 1955 where he found the secret of the sicilian traditional patisserie. Aldo will guide us to discover some of the most famous recipe of the Sicilian patisserie like the ” ‘ngiambelle sancataldesi” – ” arancine siciliane” – ” bocconcini” – ” cannoli” – ” lingue di soggira” – ” almond sweets – paste di mandorla ” and more and more…. one recipe per month… follow us in this trip to the past.

La 'ngiambella sancataldese
The legend talks about a widow who cooked for the first time the ‘ngiambella as new job after hausband died. She came famous in town for this recipe and today is the famous sweet of San Cataldo ( midland of Sicily) . The ingredients are simple: flour 00, eggs and sugar…. let see in the video the preparation by Aldo .

Almonds cookies
The almond cookies are “a must” of the Sicilian culinary tradition. They are prepared with the Almond paste, called “pasta reale” in Sicily (King’s paste). The legend wants that the recipe was created in the XII century in the convent of the “Martorana” in Palermo and that his name is due to his goodness (worthy of a King!). These delicious cookies are as good as easy to do! Accompany them with a good tea, coffee or a glass of Marsala, the typical Sicilian sweet wine.

L' arancina siciliana
The origins of the Arancina date back to the Arab domination in Sicily, which lasted from the ninth to the eleventh century. The Arabs used to knead a little saffron rice in the palm of the hand, then season it with lamb before eating it; a small ball of rice in the shape of a small orange (<ar.nāranj). All roundish meatballs in the Arab world took their name from the fruit to which they could be assimilated in shape and size (oranges but also apricots, dates, hazelnuts); the comparison with oranges was natural in Sicily as the island has always been rich.

Lingua di Suocera - mother-in-law's tongue
Do you know how this cookie of the Sicilian tradition is called ?
Starting from the almond paste you will get the sicilian cookie called “Lingua di Suocera – mother-in-law’s tongue” by a simple magical touch!

I vucciddati
Next episode… follow us on next month
Lot recipes are coming…. follow us on next month…. a video tutorial every month….